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MjuzNews intervju: Shuya Okino Shuya Okino
foto: PR photo
MjuzNews intervju: Shuya Okino

10. oktobar, Kulturni centar GRAD

Shuya Okino, deo dvojca Kyoto Jazz Massive, nastupiće 10. oktobra sa Eddyjem Ramichem u Kulturnom centru GRAD na afterpartiju koncerta Vasila Hadžimanova i Bojana Zulfikarpašića. Sve informacije o događaju možete da pronađete u našem ČLANKU, a u intervjuu za MjuzNews, Shuya govori o omiljenim pločama, andergraund sceni u Tokiju, imenima za koje smatra da su budućnost muzike i drugim stvarima. 


MjuzNews: Ovo je tvoja prva poseta Beogradu i puštaćeš muziku za posetioce divnog Kulturnog centra GRAD koji se smatra jednim od najboljih andergraund mesta u Beogradu. Da li možeš da nam kažeš nešto o andergraund mestima Japana?

SHUYA OKINO: Preporučujem mesto koje se zove Air. Bukirali su Thea Parrisha, Sadara Bahara, Ame, Idjut Boyse, Kyodai, Ricka Wadea itd. EDM pokret je tek ove godine stigao u Japan ali je Air oduvek pokušavao da bude underground. Isti osnivač koji je otvorio legendarni klub zvani Yellow je otvorio Air pre 14 godina. Takođe, ja imam svoj mali klub/bar „The Room“ u Shibuyi. Puno DJ prijatelja dolazi kada imaju slobodni dan, od Carla Craiga do Floating Points.

MjuzNews: Gilles Peterson je dao ime za tvoj Kyoto Jazz Massive duo koji činiš sa svojim bratom Yoshijem. Gilles je dugo na sceni i još uvek se smatra jednim od najboljih selektora na planeti koji svaki dan podesi uho za nove stvari.  Ima li još nekih imena sa današnje scene na koje se ugledaš? Ljudi koji predstavljaju budućnost muzike.

SHUYA OKINO: MAKOTO, Sauce81, Brisa. To su sve japanski producenti.


MjuzNews: Koje su tvoje omiljene tri ploče trenutno?

SHUYA OKINO: Mila, It's Not Over! - Ponty Mython, What Am I Here For (Kai Alce Distinctive Remix) - The Dangerfeel Newbies, Take A Chance - Kai Alce


MjuzNews: Hedlajner si Vasilovog i Bojanovog afterpartija. Da li si imao priliku da čuješ šta oni rade?

SHUYA OKINO: Naravno! Pogledao sam njihove nastupe na YouTube-u. Zapanjujuća ekspresija. Publici su podarili slobodu svesti od ustaljenog koncepta muzike.

MjuzNews: Imaš priliku da pozoveš gladne plesače u Kc GRAD jednom pesmom. Koja je to pesma?

SHUYA OKINO: Still In Love(Kyodai remix) - Shuya Okino feat. Navasha Daya



MjuzNews: This is your first visit to Belgrade and you’ll play music for the visitors of the wonderful KC GRAD which is considered one of the top underground venues in Belgrade. Can you tell us something about the underground venues of Japan?

SHUYA OKINO: I recommend the venue called Air. They booked Theo Parrish,Sadar Bahar,Ame,Idjut Boys,Kyodai,Rick Wade etc… EDM movement just arrived at Japan this year. But Air always tried to be underground. The same founder as legendary club called Yellow opened this venue 14yesrs ago. Also I have my own small club/Bar “The Room” in Shibuya. Many DJ friends come for their day off from Carl Craig to Floating Points.

MjuzNews: Giles Peterson gave the name for your KYOTO JAZZ MASSIVE duo with your brother Yoshi. Giles has been around for a long time and is considered one of the top selectors on the planet being able to reset his ears every single day for new things. Are there any other names of today you would name as your colleagues you look up to? The people who represent the future of music.

SHUYA OKINO: MAKOTO,Sauce81,Brisa. They are all japanese producers.

MjuzNews: What are your top 3 records at the moment?

SHUYA OKINO: Mila, It's Not Over!/Ponty Mython,What Am I Here For_(Kai Alce Distinctive Remix)/The Dangerfeel Newbies,Take A Chance/Kai Alce

MjuzNews: You’re the headliner of Vasil’s and Bojan’s afterparty. Did you have the chance to listen to what they do?

SHUYA OKINO: Of course! I checked their performance on YOUTUBE. Amazing experssion. They gave audience freedom of consciousness from existing concept of music.

MjuzNews: You have the chance to invite all the hungry dancers to KC GRAD with one song. Which song is it?

SHUYA OKINO: Still In Love(Kyodai remix)/Shuya Okino feat.Navasha Daya


